Google Presentations is extremely similar to Microsoft PowerPoint. The layout for the most part is the same. I can add slides and change the layout of each slide if I choose. I can also change the animation of when text appears during my presentation. I have made many PowerPoints during college for different projects like group presentations and individual presentations. I have also used them for teaching a lesson plan. I like how Google Presentations automatically saves my work. Microsoft PowerPoint does not do this. Presentations allows you to share with certain people, where as PowerPoint does not. Google Presentations only allows you to copy, cut, and paste using the keyboard shortcuts. PowerPoint allows you to do this with the mouse as well. Overall Presentations and PowerPoint are very similar and I will probably use both in my classroom.
Chapter 5 discusses Presentations. Presentations are related to common core as they allow students to "present information in clear, concise ways to prepare them for the rigors of communicating to a specific audience" (Graham, pg. 72.) Common Core State Standards state that students must understand the information taught to them. They can demonstrate understanding by creating a Presentation about what they learned. Students could do this individually or in a group setting. Google Presentations can be implemented into our lesson plans and relate to CCSS in many different ways.
Link to my Google Presentation:
Chelsea Presentation
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