
Thursday, June 9, 2016

George Simens's blog: elearnspace

I read and commented on George Simen's blog: "Wearables and Learning." (For some reason when I click on comments though, it does not show up.  Not completely for sure why, I've posted my comment three times.) Anyways, I am guilty of a wearable.  I wear a Garmin Vivofit2 and keep up with my stats daily.  I am aware it is not completely accurate. For example, it keeps track of your steps daily.  I have multiple times been sitting on the couch, burping my son and hear it ring that I have met my step goal for the day (remind you by sitting on the couch.) I have learned that the motion of burping my son gives my Garmin the idea I am actively moving and "taking steps." Even though they might not be completely accurate, I do believe we can learn about ourselves using them.  Even more than other devices like cell phones.  It tells me my sleep at night as well as the calories I have burned that day.  I love my Garmin and learning about myself by using it.

Link to George Simen's blog incase you wanted to read what I was commenting about!!

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