
Monday, June 20, 2016


Click on following links to view my work:
TN Quiz
Quiz Responses
(Responses is on Sheet1 and Gradebook is on Sheet2)

Forms is a great tool for teachers.  I was able to create a self-grading quiz by following the handout Dr. Krug gave in class, as well as use the links under Forms for some extra help.  I first created the Quiz.  After creating the quiz, I entered the correct responses.  The, I took the quiz as a student for an example by getting some correct and incorrect.  The answers were then transferred to Spreadsheets and I made additional students and "tested" them.  After I reviewed and made my self-grading quiz, I made a second sheet on Spreadsheets and used it as gradebook.  The hardest part I found was getting the formula to work from moving my grades from one sheet to another.  It took me quite a few hours to get it right, as well as watching numerous YouTube tutorials, but I was finally able to figure it out.  Every time I put "Form Responses 1" it would not transfer it to the other sheet.  I believe once I become more familiar with Spreadsheets and Forms and the different, more complicated formulas (those different than Excel) it would not take me as long to do. 

However, I did feel very accomplished once I completed the quiz and gradebook.  I could definitely see myself using this in the classroom.  Last night at a family cookout, I discussed Forms and Sheets with my Aunt.  She is a 3rd grade teacher at Sevierville Intermediate School and just took a class on Google Apps.  She stated her class is getting Chromebooks this coming year or next.  We discussed using Sheets for a gradebook.  She said she could definitely see using it in her classroom and I showed her what we were working on (Quiz and gradebook.) She stated this help her, because she still had some questions after her class (it was a short class she stated.) She also looked through the Graham book and took notes she could use later in the classroom.  It was neat to get my Aunt's perspective, since she is an active teacher who has taught over 20 years.

Chapter 7 in our Graham book discusses Forms.  Forms can be used in relation to CCCSS in different ways.  The book gives examples that Forms can be used by students to present information in an organized way.  It is also giving students the "use of digital median and visual displays of data to express information and enhance understanding of presentations" (Graham, pg. 117.)  If students were given a project in Science they had to collect data overtime like say a weather project, they could do this using Forms.  Forms is a great tool for both students and teachers.

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